Robert Taylor Signed

Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed

Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed

Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed    Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed
HURRICANE SCRAMBLE BY ROBERT TAYLOR. Hurricanes scramble during the Battle of Britain from their airfield in Sothern England, with the roar of their Merlin engines. It was common for RAF pilots to fly and fight from dawn to dusk, courageously flying multiple sorties in a day. The Hurricane was a superbly stable gun platform capable of taking a lot of punishment, during the Battle of Britain the Hurricane accounted for 80% of the Luftwaffe planes shot down. The print signed by four RAF Aces who flew the Hurricane during the Battle of Britain, Bob Doe, Pete Brothers, Bee Beamont and Denis Cowley-Millings. Print Size 37" x 26". No certification, but real deal.
Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed    Hurricane Scrabble by Robert Taylor Signed