Robert Taylor Signed

ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes

ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes

ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes    ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes
Intercepting the formation near Dunkirk, in a single pass I shot first at a Spitfire without seeing the result, and then a Blenheim which was quickly finished. This was my 69th victory. My number two, Bruno Hegenauer, had been shot down in the combat, and bailed out without injury.
ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes    ROBERT TAYLOR Most Memorable Day AP Galland Me109, Spitfire Dunkirk Planes