Robert Taylor Signed

Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub

Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub
Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub
Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub

Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub  Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub

Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub. Lieutenant Commander Ian E Fraser VC. KCB, OBE, DSO, DSC Mike Lumby completed his submariners training in December 1938.

Joining HM Submarine Sturgeon, he was aboard that boat at the outbreak of war, serving in Norwegian waters. On 22 April 1942 he took command of HM Submarine SARACEN, where he won the DSO for the sinking of U-335. On 5 November 1942 SARACEN took part in Operation Torch - the Allied landings in North Africa, and on 9 November he sighted and sank the Italian submarine GRANITO, being awarded the DSO. In late July 1943 SARACEN was heavily damaged by enemy depth charges and a few days later was subjected to a further depth-charge attack by two Italian corvettes. Lumby and all but four of his crew were forced to abandon the boat, destroy it and surrender themselves.

He remained a POW until repatriated in May 1945. Vice-Admiral Sir Ian McGeoch KCB, DSO, DSC. Having specialized in submarines in 1937, becoming third hand aboard HM submarine CLYDE, Ian McGeoch rose quickly through the ranks to become a commissioned officer. In 1942 he was appointed to command HM submarine SPLENDID undertaking many highly successful active war patrols. On 21 April 1943 however SPLENDID's luck ran out whilst on patrol in the Bay of Naples.

Depth-charged, they were forced to the surface. Wounded by enemy gunfire Lieutenant McGeoch and his surviving crewmembers were taken prisoner of war. During captivity he made many escape attempts, finally he succeeded and with the help of the local Resistance made it back home to England to continue his naval service.

KBE, CB, DSO, DSC Ian McIntosh volunteered for the submarine service in 1940. After completing his training, he joined HM Submarine PORPOISE in 1941, at the time undertaking mine laying operations in home waters. PORPOISE was then dispatched to the Mediterranean Sea to join the First Submarine Flotilla based in Alexandria. In February 1943 Ian McIntosh was appointed to command HM Submarine SCEPTRE operating in Norwegian waters and in the Bay of Biscay. DSO, DSC, RNV (S) R Edward Young joined up as a young Sub-Lieutenant in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve in April 1940. Four months later he entered the submarine service and became the first RNVR officer ever to do so.

After three years of almost continuous active war patrols off Norway and Russia, in the North Sea, the Bay of Biscay and in the Mediterranean Theater - and after surviving a harrowing escape from a sunken submarine, HM Submarine STORM. DSC RD Served on the Submarines H43, H44 and Sahib (DSC) Commanded midget Submarine XE 3 from its launch. Print Number 106 of 700.

In Ver y Good Condition. E see other items and check feedbac k for quality of service.

Member Philatelic Trades Society PTS.

Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub  Secret Operation by Robert Taylor Signed 5 submariners. All saw action in a Sub