The Wolfpack by Robert Taylor signed by three P-47 pilots

The 56th Fighter Group was led by some of America's greatest fighter leaders of World War II and was home to many of its leading fighter Aces: Under successive commanders Hub Zemke, Robert Landry, and David Schilling, the 56th destroyed more enemy aircraft in combat than any other fighter group in the 8th Air Force. On 26 November, 1943, the P-47s of the 56th Fighter Group were tasked to escort B-24 Liberators of the 392nd Bomb Group on a dangerous mission to attack the heavily defended industrial and dockyard facilities in the German port of Bremen. Shown here are the 56th Fighter Group's P-47 Thunderbolts as they climb through majestic cloud formations stretching as far as the eye can see. With'Bud' Mahurin in the lead aircraft and'Bunny' Comstock off his tail, they are already high above the east coast of England, in moments they will link up with the B-24's to begin the perilous journey deep into Germany. In the running dogfights high over Bremen, the "Wolfpack" claimed their most successful action of the war with 23 confirmed kills, 3 probables, and 9 damaged, creating an all-time record in the European Theatre. The 392nd's B-24 Liberators could not have been in safer hands on that eventful day. Overall size: 26½" x 34¾".
Each print is individually signed by the artist plus three P-47 combat pilots. Bud Mahurin Leslie Smith Lyle Adrianse. We have been in business for over thirty years, supplying fine art prints to collectors all over the world.
We are an authorized dealer of numerous major publishing houses and work directly with many of the individual artists also. Customer service and satisfaction is of the highest importance and we take this very seriously. We are proud of the artwork we supply and the service we provide. Limited editions are subject to availability at time of order.